vim pluginの検索機能をつけました。
$ kirimori search Shougo Total: 52 Plugin Name Short Description shougo/unite.vim 🐉 Unite and create user interfaces shougo/vimproc.vim Interactive command execution in Vim. shougo/neocomplete.vim Next generation completion framework after neocomplcache shougo/neosnippet-snippets The standard snippets repository for neosnippet shougo/neomru.vim MRU plugin includes unite.vim/denite.nvim MRU sources shougo/neosnippet.vim neo-snippet plugin shougo/neocomplcache.vim Ultimate auto-completion system for Vim. shougo/vimshell.vim 🐚 Powerful shell implemented by vim. shougo/unite-outline outline source for unite.vim shougo/vimfiler.vim 📁 Powerful file explorer implemented by Vim script shougo/deoplete.nvim 🌠 Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim/Vim8 shougo/neoyank.vim Saves yank history includes unite.vim history/yank source. shougo/neoinclude.vim Include completion framework for neocomplete/deoplete shougo/context_filetype.vim Context filetype library for Vim script shougo/unite-help help source for unite.vim shougo/vinarise Ultimate hex editing system with Vim shougo/vinarise.vim Ultimate hex editing system with Vim shougo/unite-session unite.vim session source shougo/junkfile.vim Create temporary file for memo, testing, ... shougo/echodoc Print documents in echo area.